Sunday 3 February 2013

2013 Resolutions

#OMG #OMG can't believe it is already February!  Neglected my blog since LAST YEAR *what an aggressive blogger. Zzz.
 My exam fall on 28Dec2012-4Jan2013, which means no New Year celebration for me! FYI  it is my LAST examination in Tarc College, thus extra power needed to ensure I able to PASS all my subjects and GRADUATE then. So,is the main reason why I didn't update my blog! LOL! Laziness is the devil that always stops me from blogging too. Huh!
Well, I’m 22 in 2013! #timeflies #omg

In 2012, I've learned and changed, mentally and physically. I’m appreciated for all the things that happened in 2012 no matter good or bad, happy nor sad. At least I know that I’m going up day by day and getting older and older. Aunty Vean. :/
So, here are my resolutions for 2013. *failed to achieve the resolutions of 2012. #fml. For this year, I MUST MUST MUST stick to the PLAN and shout out proudly at the end of the year when all the resolutions are accomplished!

# Achieve all the resolutions
Resolutions is the draft of plan for 2013, what I wish to, hope to, and want to do.  Of course, the achievement of all the resolutions is desired.

#Use less, Save more
I’m still in college, thus the main and the only INCOME is the pocket money from parent. Thus I need to save money from buying those unwanted items, and use it for those necessary only.

#Europe Trip
In June, I will fly over to Sheffield Hallam to get the top-up degree level for my studies. This is also the last stage of my studies life. The whole course takes only 3 months, it more like a “trip” actually. 

#Be Healthy
Going to eat more and move more *exercise* KeepsDoctorAway

#Be Happy
This is the most wanted resolution. Positive thinking, positive energy. Happy 24/7. :)